Slow Burn 2024 Baiying Shan Raw Puer



A tea with true staying power, this Baiying Shan raw puer picks up in the first 3 brews and then remains consistent, with great fragrance and sugary sweetness that lasts in the mouth and throat. Put it down for a few minutes and you’ll still be tasting this one.

Made from big tree material growing at over 2000 meters, this tea also has a smooth texture and thick feelings.

While astringency was already light in previous years, this version seems even less astringent, but with a gentle kuwei (pleasant bitterness) more focus on the floral side of things fragrance-wise.

We highly recommend this tea for anyone looking for a standout Lincang tea. While it may not be typical for the region, it represents a good bridge to the other side of the Lancang river.

Region: Baiying Shan, Lincang Prefecture
Picking period: Pre-April-13

Many of our samples for spring 2024 are in dragon ball form. While these balls will perform the same as the cake, they can be slightly trickier to brew. Here’s how we do it:

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Weight N/A

1 review for Slow Burn 2024 Baiying Shan Raw Puer

  1. 4 out of 5

    Billy Galvez

    Strong fragrance, strong flavor with some depth. Mineral with floral. Leaves a very pleasant flavor in the mouth that lasts. You can brew this one a very good amount of times and has considerable energy.

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